Friday, February 1, 2013

Still Life Painting

Still Life Paintings
a video featuring Paintings by Brandon Kralik

Painting is how I get to know something, whether it is an object, a landscape or a person.  After I have taken the time to be with a basket of Pinecones for several months, years in fact, I really KNOW something that I didn't know before.  A knowing that exists on a molecular level, pulsing away behind the mind.  It is not necessarily something that I can pinpoint, more of a subconscious comprehension of the world than I had before.  Of course I understand the pinecones in a physical sense but by painting them I mean to understand in another way, that way of speaking that can be convey by form but is beyond form.  That is why I paint, to arrive at a deeper understanding, beyond words, and the Paintings stand as the record of my quest.  The Paintings are exhalations of my breath.

Still life is a meditation, a focused concentration on something to the point where everything else goes away and through observation and manipulation on the materials unexpected surprises are revealed.  I want to convey those surprises to you through the painting.  The secrets live in the light.

This short video presents to you some of my still life paintings and the opportunity for me to share with you also something of my technique, which I have developed from other painters who I have the privilege  of knowing and working with. 

Enjoy it! 
Please feel free to comment and remember to share it with your friends, like a warm cup of tea.  Sharing is what it is really all about, especially when the intention is sincere.  

The one who devotes himself to a cause with his whole strength and soul can be a true master.


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